On August 16, 1994 our dad, David Willard Pennock Jewitt, completed a genealogical chart tracing the direct line of our Jewitt ancestors as far back as Henry Jewet's marriage to Hellin Marshall in 1594 at St. Michael's on the Mount in Lincolnshire, England.
This chart was the result of his meticulous research -- which ultimately took him to Lincolnshire -- as well as his patient attention to detail and his artistry in assembling the final document. Today, twenty-one years later almost to the day, we attempt to pick up where dad left off by preserving his research and adding our own. In sharing this information, we hope it may be useful and interesting to others working on their own branches of the tree.
Our intention is to continue posting items about our family history, and over time build a collection that will tell the story based on what has been handed down to us, plus any new information we gather along the way. The site is growing to include stories of intertwining family lines including Foster and Pennock on Dad's side and soon, VanPelt and Cool on Mom's. These families have their own fascinating stories to be explored.
This chart was the result of his meticulous research -- which ultimately took him to Lincolnshire -- as well as his patient attention to detail and his artistry in assembling the final document. Today, twenty-one years later almost to the day, we attempt to pick up where dad left off by preserving his research and adding our own. In sharing this information, we hope it may be useful and interesting to others working on their own branches of the tree.
Our intention is to continue posting items about our family history, and over time build a collection that will tell the story based on what has been handed down to us, plus any new information we gather along the way. The site is growing to include stories of intertwining family lines including Foster and Pennock on Dad's side and soon, VanPelt and Cool on Mom's. These families have their own fascinating stories to be explored.
Jewitt-Pennock-Foster and Cool-VanPelt Family History Copyright © 2015